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WRDSB is continuing our core work of supporting the academic achievement and well-being of the students we serve, as we reimagine a public education system that truly provides equitable opportunities and outcomes for all.


 - jeewan chanicka
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Students are at the center of all decision-making for the Board of Trustees and we continue to work together with parents and caregivers as partners in their education to ensure student success.


- Joanne Weston
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Looking ahead to 2024, we will continue to work as dedicated advocates for all WRDSB students at the Board Table and beyond. Every student the WRDSB serves should have a voice in shaping the future of learning that supports their success.


Abdullah Awan and
Casper Dong
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Stories of success from our Strategic Plan

2023 gave us countless examples of students, staff, families and community members embracing the objectives of the WRDSB Strategic Plan. It’s a plan built with the wisdom and knowledge shared by more than 10,000 of those it serves. The results have seen students and families more engaged with their neighbourhood schools, students and staff working together to empower student leadership, and the skills students learn in the classroom making a positive difference in their own communities. Together, we are creating schools where all students are able to reach their full potential on their chosen pathway in learning and life. 

Read more about our Strategic Plan.

Centring Students


All students' voices are important

Support for student and staff well-being

Students and staff experience positive well-being as part of a caring and inclusive community


Equitable opportunities and outcomes

Create opportunities for everyone to succeed

Strengthen connections through family and community engagement

Better relationships with families and community partners

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Increase student learning through engagement

Better relationships with families and community partners

Collaboration and compassion for transformation

Better relationships with families and community partners

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Transforming Education
We are transforming education to prepare students for success in the future. When we think about schools and learning, we imagine how reading and math can be part of a new education system. We understand that these subjects are essential for students’ learning. But, what if students had more say in how they meet expectations in subjects and curriculum? What if teachers were guides and collaborators in student learning, rather than instructors? At WRDSB, we are committed to Transforming Education.

In 2023, we saw the results of the first full school year implementation of the Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP). The indicators showed growth in student achievement, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy.


The BIEP is one of the ways WRDSB reviews its progress and the outcomes of specific strategies to support student achievement and well-being in alignment with the Strategic Plan. 


The four areas of the BIEP are:

  • Achievement

  • Sovereignty, human rights and equity

  • Mental health, well-being and engagement

  • Pathways and transitions

Read more about the results of our 2022-2023 Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP).

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Learner Profile
The learner profile is made up of the skills and attributes students need to be successful in learning and in life as we move toward the 22nd century. The Learner Profile is designed to ensure students have the ability to succeed academically in the classroom, and have the skills to excel in their future careers, whatever their chosen pathway. It was developed in direct consultation with students, to ensure it responds to their needs.

When they graduate, WRDSB students will be:
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Waterloo Region District School Board
51 Ardelt Avenue
Kitchener, ON
N2C 2R5
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