Increase Student Learning
Through Engagement

We are committed to providing WRDSB students with meaningful and engaging learning experiences to ensure they feel a sense of belonging and joy; develop critical and systems thinking skills; and understand the connection between the classroom and the world around them.
Our plans for Transforming Education Through Engagement outline how WRDSB will work with students, families and community members to ensure that we are making decisions and supporting students in accessible, inclusive, transparent and responsive ways. With the shared goal of improving student achievement and well-being, we continue to focus on the key areas of:

In May 2023, we demonstrated our commitment to educating for the future at Transforming Education: Literacy and Numeracy for a Changing World. The event showcased programs that are developing students’ knowledge, skills, and interests to help them succeed in their chosen pathways. We also continue the work to implement de-streaming throughout the secondary curriculum, with a particular focus on de-streaming Grade 9 courses, to support more equitable graduation and achievement outcomes.
The ongoing work to enhance and further improve student learning and well-being is already paying off. The 2022-2023 Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) results showed that WRDSB students are surpassing provincial results in some subject areas, as well as performing at similar levels to their peers across the province. We know that the story told by the EQAO assessment results is not a complete picture and we continue to use this data as one of many ways we measure the impact of our progress.
In September 2023, WRDSB secondary schools began offering the English: Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis and Inuit Voices (NBE3U). In alignment with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action for education, this course ensures all students have an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Indigenous peoples’ perspectives, histories, and literature.

Building connections to students' language and culture is an integral part of developing students’ sense of self and feelings of belonging at school. Through school-based supports and System Navigators, we are bridging the gap between equity deserving communities, students, families and the school system. We relaunched the Multilingual Language Learners (MLL) camp for students in Grades 5 and 6. Students were able to apply their new language skills and connect with other newcomers who may be navigating similar language and cultural barriers. WRDSB continues to provide enriching experiences for its students and build a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all.
In November 2023, we launched the WRDSB Math Action Plan, which aims to support students across all grade levels to create the conditions in which students will thrive in mathematics. By providing all students with mathematics instructional practices that are high-level, equitable and inclusive, we will ensure that identity and social location are no longer predictors of student outcomes. Throughout the school year, we incorporated math intervention programs to assist students to build foundations for success.

Supporting students to have expansive pathways after graduation is a key aspect of our plans to transform education. By setting high expectations, providing diverse and inclusive opportunities, and extracurricular and experiential learning opportunities, we are able to foster students’ curiosity, engagement and commitment to lifelong learning.
Programs such as Co-operative Education places in hospitals and long-term care facilities; Dual Credit programs; Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP); and Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) provide students with opportunities to achieve credits towards graduation while also acquiring hands-on experience in potential future career pathways.
Read more about how we are increasing student learning through engagement in WRDSB: